16-09-2021, 23:01, Berlin

When I came to Berlin, a little over a month ago, I had a whole 3 completed rolls of film under my belt, the last two of which I received scans of in January of this year. Still there was something that compelled me to bring along my parents' old Canon EOS 500N, equipped with a Tamron 28-200mm, A4,0-22 lens. In less than a week I will head back to my home in Arnhem, 10 rolls worth of impressions richer, 3 cameras - an Olympus AF1-mini, an obscure 110 point and shoot and a selfmade 4x5 pinhole - richer, two dozen connections and friends richer.
Today I made the conscious decision to work on my online presence. Since I disabled my personal Instagram account in May of this year, social media has taken a bit of a backseat in my life, and I hadn't regretted it for the longest time. Still, I really enjoy content creation so this is my attempt to archive what keeps me busy and what I create.
The decision for a blog seems kind of narcissistic in my opinion, but serves an important role in my creative process. Dialogue (or monologue, in this case) is always a way for me to reflect and challenge my believes, take a step back from the thoughts as they are in my head and try to make them make sense to an 'outsider'. However, I don't want to use this blog solely to spotlight my own work but also to highlight what has inspired me, and what inspires the people that inspire me.
I'm allowing myself time to find my niche, to learn and develop into this newfound passion, play around, mix and match, get other hobbies and passions involved, get friends, family and strangers involved. Over the next couple of months I hope to capture, archive, share, entertain, inspire and maybe even teach. This website will be my central hub for collecting every single bit I create.
Welcome, tag along!
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